Tuesday, November 26, 2013

I Am Thankful For

There are many things to be thankful for in life. Family, food, friends, etc. I am thankful for 3 classmates. Those classmates are Samuel KAJAHHHH, Justin Commings, and Martin Barragan.
            I met Sam at the beginning of the year. He seemed like a friendly person so I introduced myself to him. We immediately got along. I’m thankful for Sam because he is great at revising papers and is quite the card. He also enjoys reading comics and likes Marvel, like me. He’s a great person. (I often annoy him by moving his chair back and forth with my foot, but that’s another story hahaha.)
            Justin Commings. I met Justin at the beginning of the year too. I introduced myself to him right after I introduced myself to Sam. I thought he was going to be a mean, tough guy. I was wrong. He’s a very kind person. He is also very intelligent and very good at basketball too. I am thankful for him because he often gives me ideas when we are doing group work. I am also thankful for him because he lets me share a locker with him during P.E hahaha. (If you are reading this, I am better at free throws.)
            Martin. Hahaha. I met Martin last year. He was in my Biology and Italian class. We didn’t talk to each other until one day on the bus. He introduced himself to me and I introduced myself to him. We started talking about our classes and from there we started to get along. I am thankful for Martin because if I have a problem I can always go to him. Yeah, we talk smack to each other x3434343 times a day, but at the end of the day we are still friends. Thanks Martin for being there for me man. Oh, and I saw your post. The Walking Dead>NBA.
            These guys help me get through class. They are there to help me whenever I need help. This is why I am grateful for them. Thanks guys. Happy Thanksgiving. 

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