Saturday, November 9, 2013

I Celebrate Myself

I notice that a lot of teens nowadays like to slack off, drink, etc instead of focusing on their education. Why? I don’t know. They believe that being a teenager means drinking, slacking off, etc. This “belief” is especially common in my neighborhood. This is their “philosophy.” Slack off, have fun; %$&* education. What’s my philosophy? Work hard, study hard, and get an education.
            School has always been important to me. I have always been the “studious” one in my family and in my old school. I have always worked hard, studied hard, etc. A lot of teens in my neighborhood believe that I am “different.” Why different? Different because I don’t drink, or party, or do whatever they do. Every time they ask me why I don’t do this, I say “I believe in working hard, studying hard, and getting a education. I don’t care about drinking, partying, etc.” I don’t care if they think I’m weird. I’m proud of who I am. I’m proud of the choices I make and the choices I have made in the past. I am where I am because of those choices. They may not care about their future, but I do. I’m going to work hard because I want to be someone in life. Nothing will stand in my way. “Work hard, study hard, and get an education.” This is the philosophy I abide by. I celebrate my decisions and most importantly, myself. 

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