Saturday, September 28, 2013

The Modern Puritan(s)

The Puritans. They were very strict people indeed. Any small action that went against their beliefs was severe in their eyes. Now, who are the Puritans of the modern day era? The person you see in the mirror exhibits the qualities of a Puritan. That’s right, you. You are not the only one that exhibits these qualities. A lot of people, including myself, exhibit these qualities
            Now, you might be thinking “This guy is a doofus if he thinks I exhibit Puritan qualities!” and/ or “What qualities are you blabbering about?!” Answer me this. What is your reaction when you see a 16-year-old teenage mother? You probably look down at her, right? You might even think of her as a…well…. you know…a whore. Exactly. Does this remind you of anyone? *cough cough, the Puritans?*
            I know we don’t punish these people with prison time, but we often look down at them. We often think less of them. They are frowned upon. This is something the Puritans did. “If you are not careful, you’ll end up pregnant like____” This is something that a lot of people say nowadays. They use other people as examples. This happened to Hester. The villagers looked down at her and used her as an example. She was an outcast. The same is done to people today. Example? Teenage mothers, people with alcohol problems, etc are all subjected to this. Do you see your Puritan side now?


  1. I completely agree with your blog and that everyone these days is judgmental, no matter how unbiased we may think we are/try to be. The Puritan people were biased because of their religious views, yet a lot of people today aren't as religiously strict as before. Do you think our harsh, judgmental qualities stem from religion or are just reflecting the unkindness of the human race?

    1. I think it depends on the person. Some people exhibit these qualities because of religion and others do it because they`re very unkind people.

  2. A very touchy subject— but to an extent, your words are the definite truth. Although not everyone may think such judgmental thoughts, the majority of society will. However, Emily makes a good point: instead of us acting like the Puritans, isn't it just the Puritans acting like humans?

    If you think about it, once a person does something that is looked down upon in nearly any group or place in time, they will likely become an outcast. In a way, it's the type of thinking rather than the type of religion, but the type of religion does affect the type of thinking. (Um, I hope I didn't confuse you.)

  3. I said the same thing, but your post was a lot more emotional and deep! Haha. I totally agree with you. Regrettably we are the modern Puritans. Awesome post! And good comments. ^
