Thursday, October 17, 2013

What is an American?

What is an American? What makes an American an American? According to the dictionary, an American is “a native of the United States” I disagree with this definition. The reason why I disagree with this definition is because some people who were born here do not really appreciate the title of being an “American” If you do not embrace that side of you, does that really make you an American? I don’t think so.
            Now, when I think about an American I don’t think about the nationality/ethnicity/race of the person. Yes, you need to be a native or citizen of the U.S to be considered an American, but when I think about a true American, I think about a person whom is law abiding. I think about a person who wakes up in the morning and feels proud about being an American. I think about a person who has the freedom to express himself/herself and has the right to choose a religion that best fits him/her.  I don’t really think that the word “American” stands for a nationality. American stands for freedom and able (no reference to the Scarlet Letter). It stands for able because an American is able to do a lot of things that other countries prohibit. You are given many opportunities. I don’t think your nationality, race, roots, ethnicity, etc decide whether you are an American or not. You are an American if you feel proud about being labeled as an American and if you take advantage of all the opportunities that are offered to you.

1 comment:

  1. I support your argument in that being an American doesn't just mean you are born in the U.S. I also feel that an American is someone that is proud to be in the U.S., and makes the best of it.
