Saturday, September 14, 2013

John Proctor Hero or Scrooge? 

I personally believe that John Proctor is the epitome of a hero. Yes, he committed adultery, but is everyone perfect? I know I'm not. John Proctor has always been liked by the community. He was always thought of as a good Puritan. The only problem was that he was a hiding a very serious secret. He was secretly having an affair with Abigail, Parris' niece. This is considered a severe offense in the Puritan community. Yes you might be thinking, "you seriously think this doofus is a hero?!" This is just one wrong he committed. Everybody makes mistakes. He began to show his heroic (well not quite heroic but brave to say the least) persona when he admitted that he had an affair with Abigail. He was willing to ruin his reputation in order to reveal the type of person that Abigail was. This was very brave if you ask me. Now, for the most heroic deed committed by John Proctor....(drumroll) At the end of chapter 4, Proctor was being forced to sign a confession in which he stated that he was a witch. He was also asked if he knew other people who were involved. He said no several times. Before the confession was taken away from him, he ripped it into several pieces. He died without ratting anyone out. Proctor is a true hero.


  1. I agree with what you said because i too see as John almost sacrificing himself to not just help his town, but even the cause that he is fighting against. For example, if he lied and accused more people of witchery, then the never-ending loop of the corrupted court. But with him not admitting anything, he sort of stabbed the court in the back.

  2. I definitely agree with you that Proctor was a hero, but I think that his good actions were more for himself than for others. He was sacrificing himself as a way of paying for all the bad things he has done. Well, that's my pint of view anyway. Your writing's well done and was fun to read.
    You're a kewl person.
